3 Top Tattoo Designs using Black Tattoo Ink

 Men and women both have become fashionable these days. They try to follow the latest trends starting from their dresses to their hairstyles, footwear and glasses. The latest entry to this list of trends is tattoo. People follow tattoo making from various different age groups and each of them has their own designs to paint on their bodies. This business has become so lucrative that more and more people are venturing into this business. The ink used in making the tattoo is quite an important factor. Although there are various colors, which are used to etch tattoos, the most used color is obviously the black. The popularity of tattoos made of black tattoo ink is way ahead than the colored tattoos.

Top designs:
  The colored tattoos are quite prevalent and popular these days. However, not all tattoos can be done in colors. In addition, the tattoos made of black ink will go with any dress you wear or any style you follow. If you are not, sure which tattoos to paint on your body using black color, here are some beautiful designs:

  1. Portraits: it is very difficult to draw portraits of people as tattoos. Only a highly experienced and extremely talented tattoo artist will be able to pull this off. Only using black ink will help the artist draw the best tattoo. The image will only look good and easily identifiable when it is drawn in black. Many people still prefer using colors with the black colored tattoos but that should be only a small part of the entire tattoo. 
  2. Tribal: Black and tribal designs are best carried out in this color. This color will make sure that the tattoo is well completed and it looks beautiful. If you use colors in them, the effect will not remain the same anymore.
  3. Old school: the most popular designs of all time are the old school designs. These are the commonest of designs like the maritime stars, pirate ships; sailor designs signs of anchors, heart shape with a banner and many more of these types. These can always be done with the use of color but the best effects will always be using the black colors only. Many artists use colors within the outline or border drawn of black. 


There are so many different advantages of using black tattoo ink. Let us just discuss some of them:
~        Colored tattoos are highly expensive and these tattoos are quite cheap.
~        The time taken to draw them is less and thus the pain endured is less.
~        They are really a stand out in the midst of all the different types of tattoos.


Thus, it is quite evident now that the power of black ink is huge and it can make some of the best designs in tattoo. Now that you also know the three main designs drawn with black tattoo ink, it is high time that you make one following the common trend these days. Various different companies supply black ink to the tattoo companies but you should always buy from the company, which provides the highest quality ink at extremely reasonable prices. Such a company is killerinktattoo.

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